Work on East Richland Evangelical Friends Church is right on schedule. The Ickes Family Life Center will be a 28,000 square foot facility and will house a full-size gymnasium with a basketball court, volleyball courts, classrooms and one kitchen serving a cafeteria for East Richland Christian School’s senior high students. The General Contractor on the project is Cattrell Companies, Inc. with Don Teichman as the Project Manager and includes Savage Construction, United Electric, American Plate Glass, Petticord & Son, Quality Steel, Kusler Masonry, LM Construction and Kalkreuth Roofing. The project is expected to be completed January 2019. So far the brick work is 80% completed, the roof on the gymnasium has been installed, metal trusses are set on the east and west sides, concrete floors will be completed by the end of September and all underground utilities inside the building are roughed in.
East Richland Evangelical Friends Church Update